In Anlegung meiner angehenden Zertifizierung als Business- und Karriere Coach möchte ich euch mehr über das Thema Coaching erzählen.
…continue reading →Change
Semantic – words are powerful
Who does not know the power of words, can not know the people.
A wisdom of Confucius. He hit the heart of the matter and the impact of the words we choose to express.
…continue reading →If you can dream it, you can do it.
Based on Walt Disney I find this quote very accurate in achieving goals.
Walt Disney has looked at his goals from three angles. He sat on three different armchairs.
…continue reading →Goals and visions
Many people do not know their goals. Others chase their skill goals or limited visions with great efficiency until they realize at the end of a life season that they were not their own goals. Some reach their goals, but lose the balance between the incentive and the leisure.
…continue reading →Recognize winner at the start – loser too
I admit, I am a slow but intense reader. In this case, inspired by Dieter Lange book, I have read many interesting passages.…continue reading →
Digitization of the working world
Ready for the generation "know-why"?
Digitization, also referred to as the fourth industrial revolution, is in full swing. But what does the renewed fundamental change mean for man? How do automation processes affect the requirements of future generations of employment?…continue reading →