In this blog post, I looked at the topic of "Achieving Goals, Visualising Goals, Thinking Big". I give you tips on how to clearly define your goals and break them down into small steps to achieve them. Also visualising and thinking big will help you achieve your goals. Another important quality is the ability to accept the unexpected and sometimes the unpleasant. It is also important to be aware of the current situation and have a realistic assessment. I hope you enjoy this blog post and that you can achieve your goals more consciously. I'm happy if you leave a comment and also share your thoughts and experiences with me. If you like the post, feel free to recommend it to others.
…continue reading →Entrepreneurship
Macht ist nur eine Wahrnehmung
Ich kann Ihnen etwas verraten - es gibt ein sehr interessantes Paradox.
…continue reading →Vorsätze für 2020
Ich wünsche euch ein frohes neues Jahr, und hoffe Ihr hattet alle einen freudvollen Übergang.
Und schon ein paar neue Vorsätze für 2020 überlegt?
…continue reading →Coaching für deinen Erfolg
In Anlegung meiner angehenden Zertifizierung als Business- und Karriere Coach möchte ich euch mehr über das Thema Coaching erzählen.
…continue reading →Semantic – words are powerful
Who does not know the power of words, can not know the people.
A wisdom of Confucius. He hit the heart of the matter and the impact of the words we choose to express.
…continue reading →If you can dream it, you can do it.
Based on Walt Disney I find this quote very accurate in achieving goals.
Walt Disney has looked at his goals from three angles. He sat on three different armchairs.
…continue reading →