IT kisses mechanics
From the gentle bonds between IT-makers and engineers, Industrie 4.0 and IoT establish a solid relationship.
This is the heading of the new customer magazine issue atFERCHAU # 19, The IT magazine, from FERCHAU Engineering.
As always, the editorial team in Gummersbach (Germany) has succeeded in delivering an interesting and high-quality content.
Among other things, the following topics are worked out lovingly graphically and in terms of content:
“ENGINEERING 2.0 – model-based development belongs to the future”
“THE CYBORGS COME – How To Upgrade Yourself”
On the topic of quantum computers there is also more to read: Quantum computers use three types of qubits
This customer magazine is, as always, filled with the utmost care and contemporary as well as arousing themes. It is also no wonder that the editors receive an award every year. I can only say one thing, I always look forward to holding the customer magazines of FERCHAU in my hands. In particular, many FERCHAU customers confirm that the customer magazines are developed very well. For this feedback I sincerely thank you!
Here is the direct link to the magazine: atFERCHAU #19
Or the link to past issues: FERCHAU Download
(The customer magazines are in German language)